Posted April 01, 2022 in Facelift, Facial Fat Transfer
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Whether from age, sun damage, or lifestyle, many men and women experience volume loss in their faces.
This thinning out of the face is most frequently noticed in the cheeks, tear troughs (the area between the lower eyelid and upper cheek), and between the nose and mouth.
Loss of facial volume can make the face look gaunt and weak, which can cause many people to feel self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance. While you can try hiding your face under makeup and clothing, the reality is that plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments are the best ways to fix this issue.
But what surgeries and treatments are best?

It is a common misconception that a facelift can solve everything on a person’s facial aesthetic. Unfortunately, that just isn’t true.
While facelift surgery is second to none in treating sagging tissue and skin on the lower two-thirds of your face, it will not help stop or correct volume (facial fat) loss.
So, if you suffer from thinned out areas on your face, it may be smart to consider some of the other plastic surgery procedures and cosmetic treatments available.
Facial Fat Transfer
Fat transfer, also known as facial fat grafting, is a revolutionary procedure trusted to produce quality results.
With a facial fat transfer, you can counteract the thinned-out areas of your face and help restore volume that will make your face look fuller, healthier, and more youthful than it has in years.
For this procedure, Dr. Kronowitz will harvest fat from your body. This means using liposuction surgery to remove fat from your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, or back. This extracted fat is purified and mixed with stem cells (which are taken from your blood) and then injected into various parts of your face.
After several weeks, your results will settle, letting you feel comfortable and confident with your new facial appearance.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are a fantastic option for men and women who are frustrated with volume loss in their face but do not want to undergo a liposuction procedure.
Dr. Kronowitz is proud to offer Restylane-L® and Restylane® Lyft™.
Both of these treatments are FDA approved and use hyaluronic acid (a natural substance found in your body) to add volume to various parts of your face, such as the lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines.
A treatment session of Restylane® dermal fillers takes less than one hour to complete and results in a stunning rejuvenation of the face. The other great part about Restylane® is that your recovery time is minimal, which means that you’ll be able to show off your beautiful and voluminous face before you know it.
Maximize Your Results By Combining Procedures
Combining plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments allows for you to have the most complete transformation possible. Combining your facelift with facial fat transfer or dermal fillers can give you the best and most natural results.
While the facelift will help you get rid of any wrinkles or fine lines by tightening underlying tissue and facial skin, the fat transfer or dermal fillers will restore any lost fullness in thinning areas of your face.
By maximizing your results, you will still look like you, but it will be the very best version possible!
Do You Have Any Questions?
If you are looking at having a facelift in Houston or you have any questions about fat grafting or dermal fillers in Houston, then please give us a call at 713-523-0300 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.
At Kronowitz Plastic Surgery, we’re looking forward to helping you feel proud and excited about the way your face looks!